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4.9.6 version

Table of Contents

What’s New in ExpoFP Fplan version 4.9.6

Bug fixes and performance improvements.

Recommendations for use

It is recommended to use the SharedFplanView control instead of the usual FplanView. SharedFplanView speeds up work with plans thanks to new functions such as preloading and the ability to work in the background (when the plan is hidden).

You can start plan preloading at application startup using static method “SharedFplanView.preload”:

SharedFplanView.preload("", new Settings(), getApplicationContext());

The load method is used to display the plan:

sharedFplanView = findViewById(;
sharedFplanView.load("", settings);


Add Maven repository reference to settings.gradle file(in root of your project):

repositories {
    maven { url "" }
    //If you want to use navigation from CrowdConnected, add a link to the repository
    //maven { url "" }
    //If you want to use navigation from IndoorAtlas, add a link to the repository
    //maven { url "" }

Add dependency to build.gradle file(in module):

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.expofp:common:4.9.6'
    implementation 'com.expofp:fplan:4.9.6'
    //If you want to use navigation from CrowdConnected, add a link to the package
    //implementation 'com.expofp:crowdconnected:4.9.6'
    //If you want to use navigation from IndoorAtlas, add a link to the package
    //implementation 'com.expofp:indooratlas:4.9.6'

Add permissions in “AndroidManifest.xml” file:

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />


Add FplanView to layout:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout xmlns:android=""

        app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />

Init FplanView:

Settings settings = new Settings()
                //.withLocationProvider(new CrowdConnectedProvider(getApplication(), new com.expofp.crowdconnected.Settings("APP_KEY","TOKEN","SECRET")))
                //.withLocationProvider(new IndoorAtlasProvider(getApplication(), "API_KEY", "API_SECRET_KEY"))
                .withEventsListener(new FplanEventsListener() {
                    public void onFpConfigured() {

                    public void onFpConfigureError(int errorCode, String description) {

                    public void onBoothClick(@Nullable FloorPlanBoothBase booth) {

                    public void onDirection(@Nullable Route route) {

                    public void onMessageReceived(@Nullable String message) {

                    public void onDetails(@Nullable Details details) {

                    public void onBookmarkClick(Bookmark bookmark) {

                    public void onCategoryClick(Category category) {

                    public void onExhibitorCustomButtonClick(String externalId, int buttonNumber, String buttonUrl) {

                    public void onCurrentPositionChanged(Location location) {

_fplanView = findViewById(;
_fplanView.load("", settings);

Stop FplanView.
After you finish working with FplanView, you need to stop it.
To do this, you need to call the ‘destroy’ function:

_fplanView = findViewById(;

Offline mode

ExpoFP SDK provides the following offline modes:

1. Preloading a plan into cache. The ‘downloadZipToCache’ method allows to download an offline version of the plan into cache.


_fplanView.downloadZipToCache("", new DownloadZipToCacheCallback() {
    public void onCompleted(String htmlFilePath) {
    public void onError(String message) {

Open saved plan:

_fplanView.openFileFromCache("?noOverlay=true", settings);

2. Opening a zip archive with a plan - you can download the plan archive from the “Integration options” page (windows section),

add this archive to your application (assets) and then open this plan using the “openZipFromAssets()” function.


Settings settings = new Settings();

_fplanView = findViewById(;
_fplanView.openZipFromAssets("", null, settings, getApplicationContext());

You can also open a zip using the “openZip()” function, this allows you to open an archive stored in the device’s memory.


Settings settings = new Settings();
File zipFile = new File("/mnt/sdcard/");

_fplanView = findViewById(;
_fplanView.openZip(zipFile, null, settings);

Settings сlass

The Settings class contains all the parameters necessary for the initialization and operation of the plan.

Parameters passed to the constructor

  • focusOnLocation(boolean, optional) - a parameter that activates autofollowing the blue dot. If the value of the parameter is true, the plan will follow the blue dot, while the value of the focusOnFirstLocation parameter is ignored. The default value for this parameter is false.
  • focusOnFirstLocation(boolean, optional) - a parameter that activates focusing when only the blue dot is displayed for the first time. If the value of the parameter is true, the plan will focus on the blue dot only once when it appears on the map, further behavior of the plan will depend on whether the focusOnLocation parameter is enabled. The default value for this parameter is false.
  • loadingTimeout(int, optional) - timeout for loading the plan, after this time has elapsed, FplanView will try to load the offline version or give an error. The default value is 20000 milliseconds.
Settings settings = new Settings(focusOnLocation: false, focusOnFirstLocation: true);

WithEventsListener method

Specifies a subscriber for plan events. Events are described in the Events chapter.

Settings settings = new Settings()
                .withEventsListener(new FplanEventsListener() {
                    public void onFpConfigured() {

                    public void onFpConfigureError(int errorCode, String description) {

                    public void onBoothClick(@Nullable FloorPlanBoothBase booth) {

                    public void onDirection(@Nullable Route route) {

                    public void onMessageReceived(@Nullable String message) {

                    public void onDetails(@Nullable Details details) {

                    public void onBookmarkClick(Bookmark bookmark) {

                    public void onCategoryClick(Category category) {

                    public void onExhibitorCustomButtonClick(String externalId, int buttonNumber, String buttonUrl) {

                    public void onCurrentPositionChanged(Location location) {

WithFestivalEventsListener method

Specifies a subscriber for Festival events. Festival events are described in the Festival events chapter.

Settings settings = new Settings()
                .withFestivalEventsListener(new FestivalEventsListener() {
                    public void onDirectionsClick(String id, String url) {

                    public void onMoreDetailsClick(String id) {

WithLocationProvider method

Specifies the location provider. The location provider is described in the Navigation chapter.

Settings settings = new Settings()
                .withLocationProvider(new GpsProvider(getApplication()));

WithGlobalLocationProvider method

Specifies that the GlobalLocationProvider should be used. The GlobalLocationProvider is described in the GlobalLocationProvider chapter.

Settings settings = new Settings()


Select booth function


Select exhibitor function


Select exhibitors function

_fplanView.selectExhibitor(new String[]{"nace", "ohu-place"});

Highlight exhibitors function

_fplanView.highlightExhibitors(new String[]{"nace", "ohu-place"});

Select category function


Build route function

_fplanView.selectRoute("from", "to");
_fplanView.selectRoute(new SelectRoutePoint(500, 500, "2"), "to");
_fplanView.selectRoute("from", new SelectRoutePoint(500, 500, "2"));
com.expofp.fplan.models.SelectRoutePoint properties:
  • x(Double) - X
  • y(Double) - Y
  • z(String) - Z(layer)
  • zValueIsDigit(Bool) - Flag indicating whether the value of Z is a digit
  • latitude(Double) - latitude
  • longitude(Double) - longitude

Set current position(Blue-dot) function

Location location = new Location(500, 500);
boolean focus = true;
_fplanView.selectCurrentPosition(location, focus);
com.expofp.fplan.models.Location properties:
  • x(Double) - X
  • y(Double) - Y
  • z(String) - Z(layer)
  • zValueIsDigit(Bool) - Indicates whether the value 'z' is a number
  • angle(Double) - Direction angle
  • latitude(Double) - Latitude
  • longitude(Double) - Longitude

Show/hide layer

String layer = "2";
boolean visible = false;
_fplanView.updateLayerVisibility(layer, visible);

Get visibility

_fplanView.getVisibility(visibility -> {});

Set visibility

_fplanView.setVisibility(new Visibility(false, false, false, false));
com.expofp.fplan.models.Visibility properties:
  • controls(Bool) - show/hide controls
  • levels(Bool) - show/hide levels
  • header(Bool) - show/hide header
  • overlay(Bool) - show/hide overlay

Find Location


Zoom In


Zoom Out


Switch View


Fit Bounds


Set bookmarks

Bookmark[] bookmarks = new Bookmark[] { new Bookmark("PNTA", true) };
com.expofp.fplan.models.Bookmark properties:
  • name(String) - booth name
  • externalId(String) - External Id
  • bookmarked(Boolean) - true if bookmarked

Clear floor plan function


Get exhibitor list

_fplanView.exhibitorsList(exhibitors -> {});
com.expofp.fplan.models.Exhibitor properties:
  • id(int) - exhibitor id
  • name(String) - exhibitor name
  • externalId(String) - exhibitor external id
  • booths(int[]) - booth ids

Get category list

_fplanView.categoriesList(categories -> {});
com.expofp.fplan.models.Category properties:
  • id(int) - category id
  • name(String) - category name
  • exhibitors(int[]) - exhibitor ids

Get booth list

_fplanView.boothsList(booths -> {});
com.expofp.fplan.models.FloorPlanBooth properties:
  • id(int) - booth id
  • name(String) - booth name
  • externalId(String) - booth external id
  • isSpecial(Boolean) - true if booth is special
  • exhibitors(int[]) - exhibitor ids
  • layer(Layer) - layer info
com.expofp.fplan.models.Layer properties:
  • name(String) - layer name
  • description(String) - description


Returns the path to the file in the cache, if the cache is empty returns null



Finds a plan in the cache and opens it

_fplanView.openFileFromCache("?noOverlay=true", settings);


_fplanView.getOptimizedRoutes(new RouteWaypoint[]{new RouteWaypoint("42-1"),new RouteWaypoint("41-3")}, routes -> {});
com.expofp.fplan.models.RouteWaypoint properties:
  • type(RouteWaypointValueType) - String | CurrentPosition
  • stringValue(String) - String value
  • currentPositionValue(CurrentPosition) - CurrentPosition value
com.expofp.fplan.models.CurrentPosition properties:
  • x(Double) - X
  • y(Double) - Y
  • z(String) - Z(layer)
  • zValueIsDigit(Bool) - Indicates whether the value 'z' is a number


Floor plan ready event

This event is called when the plan initialization process has successfully completed.

public void onFpConfigured() {

Floor plan init error event

This event is called when an error occurs while initializing the plan.

public void onFpConfigureError(int errorCode, String description) {

Select booth event

This event is called when a booth is clicked.

public void onBoothClick(@Nullable FloorPlanBoothBase booth) {
com.expofp.fplan.models.FloorPlanBoothBase properties:
  • id(String) - booth id
  • name(String) - booth name
  • externalId(String) - booth external id
  • layer(Layer) - layer info
com.expofp.fplan.models.Layer properties:
  • name(String) - layer name
  • description(String) - description

Current position changed event

Event called when the position of the Blue-dot changes.

public void onCurrentPositionChanged(Location location) {
com.expofp.fplan.models.Location properties:
  • x(Double) - X
  • y(Double) - Y
  • z(String) - Z(layer)
  • zValueIsDigit(Bool) - Indicates whether the value 'z' is a number
  • angle(Double) - Direction angle
  • latitude(Double) - Latitude
  • longitude(Double) - Longitude

Route create event

This event is called when the route is successfully built.

public void onDirection(@Nullable Route route) {
com.expofp.fplan.models.Route properties:
  • from(FloorPlanBoothBase) - start booth
  • to(FloorPlanBoothBase) - destination booth
  • distance(String) - information about distances, for example: 15m
  • time(int) - estimated time to final destination booth in seconds
com.expofp.fplan.models.FloorPlanBoothBase properties:
  • id(String) - booth id
  • name(String) - booth name
  • externalId(String) - booth external id
  • layer(Layer) - layer info
com.expofp.fplan.models.Layer properties:
  • name(String) - layer name
  • description(String) - description

Receive message event

Currently not in use.

public void onMessageReceived(@Nullable String message) {

Details open event

This event is called when opening a panel with information, it can be a panel with information about an open booth, a route, etc.

public void onDetails(@Nullable Details details) {
com.expofp.fplan.models.Details properties:
  • type(String) - "booth" | "exhibitor" | "route"
  • id(String) - booth id | exhibitor id | null for route
  • name(String) - booth name | exhibitor name | null for route
  • externalId(String) - booth externalId | exhibitor externalId | null for route
  • boothsNames(String[]) - Booths names

Bookmark click event

This event is called when a Bookmark is bookmarked(unbookmarked).

public void onBookmarkClick(Bookmark bookmark) {
com.expofp.fplan.models.Bookmark properties:
  • name(String) - booth name
  • externalId(String) - External Id
  • bookmarked(Boolean) - true if bookmarked

Category click event

This event is called when a Category is clicked.

public void onCategoryClick(Category category) {
com.expofp.fplan.models.Category properties:
  • id(int) - category id
  • name(String) - category name
  • exhibitors(int[]) - exhibitor ids

Exhibitor custom button click event

This event is called after clicking a custom button in the panel with information about the exhibitor.

public void onExhibitorCustomButtonClick(String externalId, int buttonNumber, String buttonUrl) {


Init FplanView

Settings settings = new Settings()
                .withFestivalEventsListener(new FestivalEventsListener() {
                    public void onDirectionsClick(String id, String url) {
                        Log.d("Demo", String.format(Locale.US, "[onDirectionsClick] url: '%s'", url));

                    public void onMoreDetailsClick(String id) {
                        Log.d("Demo", String.format(Locale.US, "[onMoreDetailsClick] id: '%s'", id));

_fplanView = findViewById(;
_fplanView.load("", settings);

Stop FplanView

After you finish working with FplanView, you need to stop it.
To do this, you need to call the ‘destroy’ function:

_fplanView = findViewById(;

Festival events

‘Directions’ button click event

This event is called after clicking a ‘Directions’ button in the panel with information about the exhibitor.

public void onDirectionsClick(String id, String url) {
	Log.d("Demo", String.format(Locale.US, "[onDirectionsClick] url: '%s'", url));
‘More details’ button click event

This event is called after clicking a ‘More details’ button in the panel with information about the exhibitor.

public void onMoreDetailsClick(String id) {
	Log.d("Demo", String.format(Locale.US, "[onMoreDetailsClick] id: '%s'", id));

[!IMPORTANT] Before using third-party coordinate providers(CrowdConnected or IndoorAtlas), the ‘GPS/IPS from 3rd party’ option must be activated:


There are 2 ways to use navigation in FplanView. The first way is to explicitly specify the provider in the FplanView settings. In this case, FplanView will start and stop the LocationProvider on its own.

LocationProvider locationProvider = ...;

Settings settings = new Settings()

_fplanView = findViewById(;
_fplanView.load("", settings);

The second way is to run in the background using GlobalLocationProvider.


Very often needed to run a location provider in the background, ExpoFP SDK has a GlobalLocationProvider for this. The GlobalLocationProvider runs once at program startup and work in the background.

LocationProvider locationProvider = ...;


When using the GlobalLocationProvider in the FplanView settings, you need to call the ‘withGlobalLocationProvider’ function:

Settings settings = new Settings()

_fplanView = findViewById(;
_fplanView.load("", settings);

When the program terminates, the GlobalLocationProvider must also be stopped:


CrowdConnected location provider


Add Maven repository reference to settings.gradle file(in root of your project):

repositories {
    maven { url "" }

Add dependency to build.gradle file(in module):

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.expofp:crowdconnected:4.9.6'

Add permissions in “AndroidManifest.xml” file:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_SCAN" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT" />


Constructor parameters:

  • appKey(String) - Your Crowd Connected App Key
  • token(String) - Your Crowd Connected Token
  • secret(String) - Your Crowd Connected Secret
  • mode(Mode) - IPS_ONLY | GPS_ONLY | IPS_AND_GPS
  • aliases(Map<String, String>) - Aliases


  • enableBackgroundMode() - Runs the provider in the background
  • setAlias(String key, String value) - Sets an alias
  • setServiceNotificationInfo(String notificationText, int serviceIcon) - Sets the notification text and icon for the background service

LocationProvider initialization

com.expofp.crowdconnected.Settings lpSettings = new com.expofp.crowdconnected.Settings("APP_KEY", "TOKEN", "SECRET", MODE);
LocationProvider locationProvider = new com.expofp.crowdconnected.CrowdConnectedProvider(getApplication(), lpSettings);

Background mode

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.expofp:crowdconnectedbackground:4.9.6'

[!IMPORTANT] To run the location provider in the background, you must specify NOTIFICATION_TEXT and SERVICE_ICON (to do this, you need to call Settings.setServiceNotificationInfo(“NOTIFICATION_TEXT”, SERVICE_ICON)).

com.expofp.crowdconnected.Settings lpSettings = new com.expofp.crowdconnected.Settings("APP_KEY", "TOKEN", "SECRET", MODE);
lpSettings.setServiceNotificationInfo("NOTIFICATION_TEXT", SERVICE_ICON);
LocationProvider locationProvider = new com.expofp.crowdconnected.CrowdConnectedBackgroundProvider(getApplication(), lpSettings);

When using CrowdConnectedProvider, it is recommended to run it in the background (when the program starts) using the GlobalLocationProvider.

[!IMPORTANT] To run the location provider in the background, you must specify NOTIFICATION_TEXT and SERVICE_ICON (to do this, you need to call Settings.setServiceNotificationInfo(“NOTIFICATION_TEXT”, SERVICE_ICON)).

com.expofp.crowdconnected.Settings lpSettings = new com.expofp.crowdconnected.Settings("APP_KEY", "TOKEN", "SECRET", MODE);
lpSettings.setServiceNotificationInfo("NOTIFICATION_TEXT", SERVICE_ICON);
LocationProvider locationProvider = new com.expofp.crowdconnected.CrowdConnectedBackgroundProvider(getApplication(), lpSettings);


On initial startup, the CrowdConnectedProvider checks for permissions, if the permissions are delegated by the user then the CrowdConnectedProvider starts running, if there are no permissions, the CrowdConnectedProvider waits for any plan to open and requests the necessary permissions after the plan is opened. When opening a plan, you must specify “withGlobalLocationProvider” in the settings:

Settings settings = new Settings()

_fplanView = findViewById(;
_fplanView.load("", settings);

When the program terminates, the GlobalLocationProvider must also be stopped:



com.expofp.crowdconnected.Settings lpSettings = new com.expofp.crowdconnected.Settings("APP_KEY", "TOKEN", "SECRET", MODE);
lpSettings.setAlias("KEY_1", "VALUE_1");
lpSettings.setAlias("KEY_2", "VALUE_2");
LocationProvider locationProvider = new com.expofp.crowdconnected.CrowdConnectedProvider(getApplication(), lpSettings);

Notification settings

com.expofp.crowdconnected.Settings lpSettings = new com.expofp.crowdconnected.Settings("APP_KEY", "TOKEN", "SECRET", MODE);
lpSettings.setServiceNotificationInfo("NOTIFICATION_TEXT", SERVICE_ICON);
LocationProvider locationProvider = new com.expofp.crowdconnected.CrowdConnectedProvider(getApplication(), lpSettings);

IndoorAtlas location provider


Add Maven repository reference to settings.gradle file(in root of your project):

repositories {
    maven { url "" }

Add dependency to build.gradle file(in module):

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.expofp:indooratlas:4.9.6'
    implementation ""

Add permissions in “AndroidManifest.xml” file:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_SCAN" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT" />

LocationProvider initialization:

LocationProvider locationProvider = new com.expofp.indooratlas.IndoorAtlasProvider(getApplication(), "API_KEY", "API_SECRET_KEY");